What is this service?

The IGSNDB is a service for datacenters to mint IGSNs and register associated metadata. The service requires organisations to first register for an account with an IGSN e.V. member. For information on setting up an account, see our Frequently asked questions.

Who can use this service?

IGSN e.V. will work with IGSN allocation agents. In most cases these allocation agents will be data facilities or research groups at IGSN e.V. member institutions. Data generators, for example scientific investigators who have metadata for physical samples, who wish to obtain IGSN e.V. IGSNs will first establish the most appropriate allocating agent for their metadata and register their sample metadata there. The allocating agent can then obtain IGSNs from a IGSN e.V. member.

I have sample metadata and want to mint IGSNs! How can I use this service?

There are two steps. Firstly, you will need to register with our service. Please contact a IGSN e.V. member who will get in touch with you to discuss your eligibility, requirements and responsibilities. If you qualify, they will provide you a user name, password and other necessary information.

Secondly, you will need to use our application programming interface (API) to mint IGSNs. It is recommended that you integrate minting and updating IGSNs with your metadata management infrastructure. So if, for example, a URL changes, automatic notification will be pushed to our service and the updated URL will be used for resolving the IGSN.

How can I contact you?

For membership please contact kelger@gfz-potsdam.de. For technical information please email us at ulbricht@gfz-potsdam.de.